
Old vs. New SEO: Best Practices for 2024

Old vs new SEO approach

Hey there, folks! Coming to you straight from sunny San Diego, I’ve witnessed the digital landscape shift as swiftly as the tides at La Jolla Shores. SEO isn’t the same game it was a few years back, and staying ahead means understanding where we’ve been and where we’re headed.

So let’s dive into the old vs. new SEO practices, complete with examples to keep things real and actionable.

1. Keywords: From Stuffing to Intent

Old Approach: Keyword Stuffing

The strategy was to cram as many exact-match keywords into your content as possible, often compromising readability.

Example: A local taco shop might have written it like this:

keyword stuffing example

New Approach: User Intent Optimization

Now, it’s about understanding the user’s intent behind their search and creating content that meets that need.

Example: The taco shop now publishes a blog post titled “A Foodie’s Guide to the Top 5 Must-Try Tacos in San Diego,” providing valuable insights that align with what potential customers are searching for.

2. Link Building: From Quantity to Quality

Old Approach: Mass Link Acquisition

The focus was on acquiring as many backlinks as possible, regardless of the linking site’s quality or relevance.

Example: A surf school paid for links from unrelated directories or spammy websites to boost their backlink profile.

New Approach: Earning High-Quality Links

Emphasis is now on gaining backlinks from reputable, relevant sources that add credibility and authority.

Example: The surf school collaborates with travel bloggers or gets featured in “Top Surfing Destinations in San Diego,” earning valuable and relevant backlinks.

Referring domain from trusted domain

3. Content Creation: From Quantity to Quality

Old Approach: Thin and Generic Content

Producing a high volume of short, generic articles stuffed with keywords but offering little value.

Example: A craft brewery churned out multiple 300-word articles like “Why Our Beer is the Best” without meaningful information.

New Approach: In-Depth, Valuable Content

Creating comprehensive, insightful content that genuinely helps the reader.

Example: The brewery now publishes detailed guides like “The Art of Craft Brewing: Behind the Scenes at Our San Diego Brewery,” providing engaging content for beer enthusiasts.

4. Mobile Optimization: From Afterthought to Necessity

Old Approach: Desktop-First Design

Websites were designed primarily for desktop users, with mobile optimization considered later.

Example: A local pizza restaurant’s site was difficult to navigate on a smartphone, with tiny text and hard-to-click buttons.

New Approach: Mobile-First Design

Designing websites with mobile users in mind from the outset, ensuring a seamless experience on all devices.

Example: A local pizza restaurant has adopted a responsive design, making it easy for visitors to view the menu and order pizza online from their phones.

homeslyce pizza mobile design

Want a great mobile experience for your website? As experts in WordPress development services in San Diego, we can help you optimize your site for success on all devices. Contact us today and let’s enhance your online presence!

5. User Experience (UX): From Neglected to Essential

Old Approach: Ignoring UX Factors

Little attention was paid to site speed, navigation, or overall user satisfaction.

Example: This website design is a chaotic mix of overwhelming information, crammed into every inch of the screen, making it nearly impossible for users to focus on anything specific. It’s like the website equivalent of someone shouting every product at once in a crowded marketplace.

New Approach: Prioritizing User Experience

Enhancing site speed, simplifying navigation, and focusing on overall usability to keep users engaged.

Example: Etsy website is a great example of clean and effective design. The layout is organized and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find popular categories and featured products without feeling overwhelmed. The use of white space and large, clear images ensures that each section stands out, making it easy for visitors to browse and engage with the content.

Etsy website design with great user experience

6. Voice Search: From Overlooked to Optimized

Old Approach: Text Search Focused

Content was created solely for traditional text-based searches, ignoring the nuances of voice queries.

Example: A yoga studio used keywords like “yoga classes San Diego” without considering conversational search phrases.

New Approach: Incorporating Conversational Language

Optimizing content for voice search by using natural, conversational phrases and questions.

Example: The studio adds FAQs like “Where can I find beginner yoga classes near me?” capturing voice search traffic effectively.

7. Local SEO: From Broad Reach to Hyper-Local Focus

Old Approach: Generic Targeting

Businesses aimed for broad keywords, missing out on local search opportunities.

Example: A San Diego bakery tried to rank for “best bakery,” competing with shops worldwide.

New Approach: Emphasizing Local Presence

Utilizing local keywords and optimizing for local search to attract nearby customers.

Example: The bakery now targets “best sourdough bread in Gaslamp Quarter” and keeps their Google My Business listing updated with hours, photos, and reviews.

8. Technical SEO: From Ignored to Optimized

Old Approach: Overlooking Technical Aspects

Technical elements like site structure, XML sitemaps, and schema markup were often neglected.

Example: An online art gallery lacked an XML sitemap, making it harder for search engines to index their pages.

New Approach: Enhancing Technical Foundations

Paying close attention to technical SEO components to improve crawlability and indexing.

Example: The art gallery implements a proper XML sitemap, fixes broken links, and adds structured data to enhance search visibility.

indexed pages from GSC data

9. AI and Machine Learning: From Unaware to Leveraging

Old Approach: Static Strategies

Content and SEO strategies were set and seldom adjusted based on performance data.

Example: A fitness center updated their website annually without analyzing member engagement online.

New Approach: Utilizing AI Insights

Leveraging AI tools to analyze user data, predict trends, and personalize experiences.

Example: The fitness center uses AI to personalize workout plans and content, enhancing member engagement and retention.

10. Analytics: From Basic Metrics to Deep Analysis

Old Approach: Limited Tracking

Monitoring basic metrics like total page views without deeper insights.

Example: A photographer only checked how many visitors came to his portfolio site without understanding which galleries were most popular.

New Approach: Data-Driven Decisions

Regularly analyzing detailed metrics to inform and adjust strategies.

Example: The photographer analyzes which photo galleries get the most views and inquiries, then focuses on those styles or subjects to attract more clients.


The world of SEO is ever-changing, much like the surf at Pacific Beach here in San Diego. Understanding the shift from old to new practices isn’t just interesting—it’s crucial for anyone looking to make a splash online in 2024.

By moving away from outdated tactics and embracing strategies that focus on user intent, quality content, and technical excellence, you’re setting yourself up for sustainable success. So let’s keep learning, adapting, and riding these digital waves together!

Looking to boost your online presence in San Diego? Get in touch with us today for expert SEO services in San Diego, tailored to your local business. Let’s work together to climb the search rankings and bring more visibility to your brand!

Thanks for joining me on this journey. Here’s to climbing those search rankings and making a splash in the digital world from America’s Finest City!