
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: Understanding the Differences

wordpress.com vs wordpress.org

Are you confused about the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org? You are not alone! Many people new to website development are confused about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Originally a blogging platform, WordPress has evolved into a full-fledged content management system (CMS) capable of managing various types of websites. This comprehensive guide aims to clarify the distinctions between the two, providing the necessary insights to help you choose the right WordPress platform for your specific requirements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Common Confusion: Many newcomers to website development are often confused about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
  • Evolution of WordPress: Initially created as a blogging platform, WordPress has developed into a comprehensive content management system (CMS) for various types of websites.
  • Purpose of Guide: This guide aims to clarify the distinctions between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
  • Choosing the Right Platform: Understanding these differences is essential for selecting the appropriate WordPress platform to meet specific website needs.

Understanding WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: An Overview

WordPress.com is a hosted platform managed by Automattic, the company behind WordPress. The free version allows users to publish content without upfront cost or maintenance but has limited customization options, plugin access, and themes compared to the paid version. It offers a range of plans, from free to premium, and provides a simple setup process, hosting, security, and maintenance, making it a convenient choice for beginners and those who prefer a hands-off approach to website management. WordPress.com also offers a free website creation and hosting service, suitable for temporary sites and personal blogs or as an option for high-revenue businesses and high-traffic sites with VIP packages.

WordPress.org is the self-hosted version of WordPress. It is open-source WordPress software you can download and install on your web server. With WordPress.org, you can host your website by choosing a web host and installing the WordPress software. This platform offers greater control and flexibility, allowing you to customize your website extensively and select your hosting provider. Hosting your own WordPress site provides more freedom and control over the website. It’s ideal for users with technical knowledge and who want complete control over their site’s functionality and appearance.

Further reading: What Is WordPress? An Intro for Beginners

Features of WordPress.com

WordPress.com features

User-Friendly Interface

WordPress.com offers a highly intuitive dashboard, making it accessible even for those without prior website development experience. The platform provides easy-to-use tools for content creation and site management, which include a drag-and-drop editor, pre-designed templates, and built-in customization options.

Web Hosting and Security

One of WordPress.com’s standout features is its fully managed hosting. This means that Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, takes care of your site’s hosting, security, and backups. This managed service includes automatic updates, SSL certificates for enhanced security, and robust protection against malware and spam.

Plans and Pricing

WordPress.com offers a variety of plans to cater to different needs:

  • Free Plan: Includes basic features with WordPress.com subdomain and ads.
  • Personal Plan: Removes ads and offers custom domain support.
  • Premium Plan: Adds advanced design tools and increased storage.
  • Business and eCommerce Plans: These plans provide access to a broader range of plugins and themes and include eCommerce capabilities.

Additional Features

  • SEO Tools: Basic SEO tools to help improve your site’s visibility on search engines.
  • Social Media Integration: Easy integration with major social media platforms.
  • Basic Analytics: Access to site statistics to track your website’s performance.
  • Themes and Plugins: A selection of free and premium themes and plugins (more options available with higher-tier plans).
  • Google Analytics: Integration with Google Analytics is only available with a premium plan or above, and most influencer networks and brands require it for site traffic measurement.

Benefits of Using WordPress.com

  • Ease of Use: Perfect for beginners, as it requires no technical skills.
  • Managed Services: Hosting, security, and maintenance are all handled for you.
  • Affordable Options: Free and affordable premium plans make it accessible to everyone.
  • Scalability: Suitable for personal blogs, small business websites, and even small-scale eCommerce sites.

Limitations of WordPress.com

Limited Customization

While WordPress.com offers a variety of themes and plugins, customization options are more restricted than those on WordPress.org. Users on the free and lower-tier plans have limited access to themes and plugins and cannot upload custom themes or plugins unless they upgrade to the Business or eCommerce plans.

Monetization Restrictions

Monetization options on WordPress.com are limited, especially for free and Personal plan users. For example, you cannot run third-party ads unless you are on the Premium plan or higher. This can be a significant drawback for users looking to monetize their sites through ads or affiliate marketing.

Less Control

Users of WordPress.com have less control over their websites than those using WordPress.org. For instance, you don’t have access to the website’s backend code, which limits your ability to make advanced customizations or implement certain functionalities.

Data and Site Ownership

With WordPress.com, your data and site are hosted on WordPress servers, which means you have less ownership and control over your content. This can concern users prioritizing complete control and ownership of their website data.

Common Concerns

  • Scalability: While suitable for small to medium-sized websites, WordPress.com might not be the best choice for large, complex sites due to its limited flexibility.
  • Ecommerce Limitations: While WordPress.com does offer eCommerce capabilities, they are not as robust as those available with self-hosted WordPress.org, making it less ideal for large-scale online stores.
  • Advanced Customizations: Users looking for advanced customizations and integrations may find WordPress.com restrictive, as it does not offer the same level of flexibility as WordPress.org.

Features of WordPress.org (Self-Hosted WordPress)

Extensive Customization

A self-hosted WordPress site offers unmatched customization capabilities. Users can access thousands of free and premium themes, allowing for a highly personalized website design. Additionally, the ability to upload custom themes and plugins enables users to tailor their site’s functionality precisely to their needs.

Full Control Over Your Site

With WordPress.org, you have complete control over your website. This includes the ability to access and modify the site’s underlying code. Such control is crucial for implementing advanced features, custom functionalities, and integrating third-party services.

Install Plugins and Wide Range of Plugins

The WordPress.org plugin repository contains over 58,000 plugins, covering many features from SEO enhancements and security to eCommerce and social media integration. This extensive library allows you to add virtually any functionality to your site.

SEO Optimization

WordPress.org provides advanced SEO tools and plugins, such as Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack, which help improve your site’s visibility on search engines. This makes it easier to optimize your content and attract more visitors.

Ecommerce Capabilities

For those looking to set up an online store, WordPress.org is an excellent choice. Plugins like WooCommerce transform your site into a fully functional eCommerce platform, offering extensive features for product management, payment processing, and shipping options.

Security and Performance

While managing your security and performance can be challenging, WordPress.org offers numerous plugins and resources to help. With caching and optimization plugins, you can implement advanced security measures and optimize your site’s performance.

Multilingual Support

WordPress.org supports multilingual websites through plugins such as WPML and Polylang, making it easier to reach a global audience.

Benefits of Self-Hosting with WordPress.org

  • Flexibility: Full access to all themes and plugins, allowing for extensive customization.
  • Control: Complete control over your website’s code, hosting, and data.
  • Ownership: Full ownership of your site and content, with the ability to choose your hosting provider.
  • Monetization: Freedom to monetize your site in any way you choose, including ads, affiliate marketing, and eCommerce.

Advanced Features

With WordPress.org, you can implement advanced features that are unavailable on WordPress.com. This includes creating membership sites, forums, and social networks using plugins like BuddyPress and bbPress.

Ecommerce Potential

The eCommerce potential with WordPress.org is vast. WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce plugin, provides extensive features for running an online store, from product listings and inventory management to payment gateways and shipping options.

Full Ownership and Control

Self-hosting with WordPress.org gives you full ownership of your website and its content. You are not tied to any specific service provider, and you can migrate your site to any hosting service without restrictions.

Enhanced SEO Capabilities

WordPress.org’s SEO capabilities are superior due to the advanced plugins available. With these plugins, you can optimize your site structure, metadata, and content more effectively, improving your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.


While hosting and domain registration have costs, using WordPress.org can be more cost-effective in the long run. You can choose a hosting plan that fits your budget and needs, often resulting in better value for money compared to premium plans on WordPress.com.

Community Support

The WordPress.org community is vast and active, providing extensive support through forums, documentation, and tutorials. This community-driven support can be invaluable for troubleshooting and improving your site.

Choosing the Right WordPress Platform for Your Needs

Choosing between WordPress.com and WordPress.org depends on several factors, including your budget, technical expertise, and specific website requirements. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make an informed decision:


  • Budget: Offers a free plan with basic features, but to unlock more advanced functionalities, you’ll need to subscribe to one of the premium plans. The cost ranges from $4 to $45 per month, depending on the plan.
  • Technical Expertise: Ideal for beginners or those with limited technical skills. The platform handles all the technical aspects such as hosting, security, and updates.
  • Website Requirements: WordPress.com is often sufficient for simple blogs, personal websites, and small business sites that do not require extensive customization.


  • Budget: The software itself is free, but you’ll need to pay for hosting, which can range from $3 to $30 per month, and a domain name, typically costing around $10 to $15 per year. Additional costs may include premium themes and plugins.
  • Technical Expertise: Suited for users with technical knowledge or those willing to learn. You’ll need to manage hosting, security, backups, and updates yourself, or hire a developer to handle these tasks.
  • Website Requirements: WordPress.org is better suited for websites that require advanced features, custom functionalities, and complete control over the site’s design and performance.

According to a 2023 survey by W3Techs, WordPress powers 43% of all websites on the internet, with 64.2% of those using the self-hosted WordPress.org version. This indicates that many users prefer the flexibility and control offered by WordPress.org.

By weighing these factors, you can determine which WordPress platform best aligns with your goals and resources. WordPress.com is a great choice for a more straightforward, maintenance-free experience. However, if you need extensive customization and full control, WordPress.org is the better option.

Migration from WordPress.com to WordPress.org 

The migration process is relatively straightforward if you switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. Here are the steps involved:

Migration Steps

  1. Export Content from WordPress.com:
    • Log in to your WordPress.com account.
    • Go to the dashboard, navigate to “Tools” and select “Export.”
    • Choose “All Content” to export all your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.
  2. Set Up Hosting and Install WordPress.org:
    • Choose a web hosting provider that supports WordPress (e.g., Bluehost and WP Engine, SiteGround, or DreamHost).
    • Purchase a hosting plan and a domain name if you don’t already have one.
    • Install WordPress on your new hosting account, typically using a one-click installer provided by the host.
  3. Import Content to WordPress.org:
    • Log in to your new WordPress.org site.
    • Navigate to “Tools” and select “Import.”
    • Choose “WordPress” from the list and install the Importer plugin if prompted.
    • Upload the export file from WordPress.com and import all content.
  4. Configure Themes, Plugins, and Settings:
    • Choose and customize a new theme or re-upload your previous theme if it’s compatible.
    • Install the necessary plugins to replicate the functionality of your WordPress.com site.
    • Adjust settings such as permalinks, SEO configurations, and other site options.
  5. Redirect Your Domain (If Necessary):
    • If you were using a custom domain on WordPress.com, update the DNS settings to point to your new hosting provider.
    • If you were using a WordPress.com subdomain, consider setting up a proper 301 redirect to preserve SEO rankings.

Further reading: 9 Steps Website Migration Checklist: Ensure Smooth Transitions

Resources and Tools for Seamless Migration

  • WordPress Codex: The official documentation provides detailed guides on various aspects of WordPress usage and migration.
  • All-in-One WP Migration: A popular plugin that simplifies the migration process by exporting and importing all your site data.
  • WPBeginner: Offers a comprehensive guide and video tutorial on migrating from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.


Understanding the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is crucial for making informed decisions about your website. While WordPress.com offers convenience and simplicity, WordPress.org provides greater control and flexibility. 

By weighing each platform’s features, benefits, and limitations against your specific needs and preferences, you can choose the WordPress platform that best aligns with your goals. Whether you opt for WordPress.com or WordPress.org, you can access a powerful platform for creating and managing your online presence. For further assistance in choosing and setting up the right WordPress platform, you can explore our WordPress consulting services offered by Polar Mass.

What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

WordPress.com is a hosted platform that offers website hosting services with limited customization options, while WordPress.org is a self-hosted platform that provides full control and flexibility over website customization and management.

Can I use my own domain with WordPress.com?

Yes, WordPress.com offers options for using custom domains with paid plans, allowing users to use their own domain names for their websites.

What are the benefits of self-hosting with WordPress.org?

Self-hosting with WordPress.org provides greater control, flexibility, and customization options compared to WordPress.com. Users can choose their hosting provider, install custom themes and plugins, and have full ownership of their website.

Is WordPress.org free to use?

Yes, WordPress.org is free to use as it is an open-source platform. However, users need to purchase web hosting and a domain name separately to self-host their WordPress website.

How do I migrate my website from WordPress.com to WordPress.org?

Migrating your website from WordPress.com to WordPress.org involves exporting your content from WordPress.com and importing it into a self-hosted WordPress.org site. Additionally, you'll need to set up hosting and install WordPress.org on your new hosting provider.