
We Asked AI: What Would Replace “Google” in These Countries If It Never Existed?

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In this increasingly globalized world, Google is an essential gateway to information. We can obtain a lot of information from Google. But what if search engines were designed to meet the specific needs and cultural aspects of different countries?

We asked AI to generate concepts for search engines designed for various countries, considering their local preferences and languages. We’re curious about what search engines these countries would have if Google didn’t exist in the first place. We wanted to create an alternate universe in which Google does not exist and instead dives into the realm of imagination, with each country having its own dedicated search engine. 

This article will give the summary based on our chat with ChatGPT, the famous AI bot that can algorithmically process and generate text responses based on prompts we typed in. We’ll see how ChatGPT envisaged alternative search engines in various countries, and what they came up with. We specifically used this prompt, “Create search engines tailored for 7 different countries, along with the name, logo description, features, and algorithms” and afterward mentioned the countries we want to feature in this post. 

Search Engines Generated by AI in 7 Countries

1. Brazil 

ChatGPT created the name “BuscaLivre” as Brazil’s search engine if Google never existed. Let’s ask them what this name means. This is what ChatGPT responds, “BuscaLivre combines the Portuguese words “busca” (search) and “livre” (free), symbolizing a search engine that offers unrestricted and free-flowing access to information, much like the dynamic and spirited culture of Brazil.” 

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for BuscaLivre:


  • Social Relevance: The algorithm prioritizes socially relevant content by analyzing trending topics across Brazilian social media platforms.
  • Real-Time Updates: Incorporates real-time data to highlight events, concerts, and festivals, reflecting the lively Brazilian calendar.
  • Localized Content: Emphasizes local news, culture, and community-driven content, ensuring that results are highly relevant to Brazilian users.

Search Features:

  • Real-Time Social Integration: Users can see live updates and trending topics from popular Brazilian social media platforms directly in their search results.
  • Voice Search: Optimized for natural language processing in Portuguese, making it easy for users to search using conversational language.
  • Content Moderation: Filters and moderates content to align with local regulations and cultural sensitivities, ensuring a safe browsing experience.
  • Local Event Search: Provides detailed information on local events, including directions, ticketing options, and event highlights.

The algorithm and search features listed above appear to be very general but important, as the word “local” appears multiple times. It means ChatGPT wants to stress the localized version of Google, which now turned out to be BuscaLivre, which may be appreciated by the locals, of course, for finding information. Now we can move on to logo design, as we all know how iconic Google’s logo and colors are. 

Let’s together see if ChatGPT can also make an iconic representation of BuscaLivre in descriptive words, and here is what the robot says, “The logo of “BuscaLivre” features a stylized carnival mask, symbolizing the festive and diverse culture of Brazil. The vibrant color palette includes bright green, yellow, and blue, reflecting the national flag, with accents of red and orange to represent the lively Brazilian spirit. The font is playful yet modern, capturing the balance between tradition and contemporary Brazil.”

We decided to use another tool to punch in these words and see how the visual representation of the majestic and colorful, BuscaLivre can come into real life, as has been described by the AI. We used Magic Media, by Canva, as they can come up with several options for the logo.

busca livre logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

It is incredibly colorful and vibrant, and we believe that the color palette will be remembered by people. However, we are unsure whether the carnival mask can truly symbolize the minimalistic and informational character of a “search engine,” but we assume that is what the AI wants. 

2. United States

Now, it’s time for the United States. ChatGPT created the name “Discover” as the United States search engine if Google never existed. Let us ask them what this name also implies. ChatGPT responds: “Discover conveys the spirit of exploration and innovation that defines the United States. It suggests a journey through a vast landscape of information, where users can find exactly what they need, whether it’s news, services, or entertainment.”

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for Discover:


  • Personalized Results: Uses machine learning to tailor search results based on individual user behavior, preferences, and demographic data.
  • Local Optimization: Prioritizes local businesses, services, and news, making it a valuable tool for both consumers and local enterprises.
  • Trustworthy Sources: Emphasizes content from reputable, fact-checked sources, especially for news and informational queries.
  • E-commerce Integration: Dynamically links to online shopping platforms, comparing prices, product reviews, and availability.

Search Features:

  • Personalized Dashboard: Users can customize their search interface with widgets for news, weather, stock updates, and more.
  • News Aggregator: Combines news from major U.S. outlets, providing a comprehensive view of current events.
  • Voice and Image Search: Enhanced voice search for diverse American accents and dialects, with image recognition technology for visual queries.
  • E-commerce Integration: Allows users to search for products across multiple platforms, providing real-time price comparisons and availability.

The algorithm and search functionality are nearly identical, but they introduced a “news aggregator” that was previously unavailable in Brazil’s search engine. Now, let’s check if ChatGPT can make an iconic representation of Discover in descriptive words, and here’s what the robot says: “Discover logo features a sleek compass icon, symbolizing guidance and exploration. The color scheme includes deep blue and white, evoking trust, professionalism, and reliability, with accents of red to subtly incorporate the national colors. The font is modern and bold, reflecting the cutting-edge technology and authoritative presence of the platform.”

Here are the results: 

discover logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

The logo is less bright than Brazil’s, but it is simple and easy to remember. The compass representation is correct, with the word Discover circling it. This logo might replace Google because it has the potential to be iconic. 

3. Germany

Let’s look at the next country, Germany. ChatGPT used the term “SuchenMeister” to describe Germany’s search engine in the absence of Google. Let us ask them what this name also implies. This is how ChatGPT responds, “SuchenMeister combines the German word “suchen,” meaning “search,” with “Meister,” meaning “master” or “expert.” This name reflects the precision, expertise, and reliability that are highly valued in German culture.” 

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for SuchenMeister:


  • Precision Focus: Prioritizes accuracy and reliability, cross-referencing multiple sources to ensure information is correct and up-to-date.
  • Fact-Check Integration: Highlights peer-reviewed, academically sound, and officially verified content.
  • Privacy-First: Utilizes advanced encryption and minimal data retention to ensure user privacy.
  • Industrial Search: Specialized algorithms optimize results for Germany’s key sectors, including engineering, automotive, and manufacturing.

Search Features:

  • Multilingual Support: Provides accurate search results in both German and English, with an emphasis on technical translations.
  • Fact-Checked Content: Clearly marks verified content, giving users confidence in the reliability of their search results.
  • Privacy Controls: Users can customize their privacy settings, with options for anonymous searching and data protection.
  • Industrial Database: Access to a vast database of engineering, automotive, and industrial content, tailored to the needs of professionals.

It’s odd that ChatGPT does not include the local feature for Germany, which appears in the previous two. ChatGPT established the SuchenMeister search engine with a greater emphasis on accuracy, facts, and industry-related information. Now, let’s check if ChatGPT can make an iconic portrayal of SuchenMeister in descriptive words, and here’s what the AI says: “The logo of “SuchenMeister” features a minimalist magnifying glass, symbolizing detailed and thorough search capabilities. The color scheme is dominated by black and gray, reflecting professionalism and precision, with subtle accents of gold to signify excellence. The font is clean, sharp, and no-nonsense, embodying the efficiency and clarity of the platform.

suchenmeister logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

So far, we think that the German search engine logo is the most straightforward and minimalistic. This logo embodies elegance, however, we’re not sure if it can be iconic with just a magnifying glass and two muted colors. But who knows? Perhaps it will be well received by the locals. 

Further reading: 10 Web Development Trends in 2024 (The Most Updated)

4. India

Moving on to Asia, we’ll look at India. ChatGPT invented the word “Khoj” as India’s search engine if Google didn’t exist. Let us ask them what this name also implies. This is how ChatGPT responds: “Khoj is a Hindi word meaning “search” or “quest,” symbolizing the exploration of knowledge across India’s diverse linguistic and cultural landscape.” This single word, we believe, is catchy enough and will be easy to remember even for those who are not familiar with Hindi. 

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for Khoj:


  • Linguistic Diversity: Adapts to over 20 Indian languages, ensuring accurate and relevant search results across different regions.
  • Cultural Relevance: Prioritizes content related to India’s festivals, customs, and local traditions.
  • Regional Focus: Customizes search results based on regional preferences, emphasizing local news, events, and businesses.
  • Voice Search Optimization: Tailored for India’s many dialects, with AI that understands and interprets regional accents and slang.

Search Features:

  • Multilingual Interface: Users can easily switch between languages, with search results adapted to their linguistic preferences.
  • Voice Assistant: Enhanced for Indian languages and dialects, providing accurate and culturally aware responses.
  • Cultural Content Hub: Highlights content related to Indian traditions, festivals, and cultural events.
  • Regional Customization: Prioritizes content and services relevant to specific regions, making it a valuable tool for both locals and travelers.

Linguistic diversity and the come-back “local” feature is made by ChatGPT for this country’s search engine. We believe that because India is a culturally rich country, these aspects will appeal to the people. Let’s check if ChatGPT can also create an iconic representation of Khoj in descriptive words, and here’s what the robot says: “The logo of “Khoj” is inspired by the traditional Indian peacock feather, symbolizing beauty, wisdom, and the rich cultural heritage of India. The color palette includes deep blues, greens, and gold, reminiscent of the peacock, with hints of saffron to represent spiritual wisdom. The font is elegant yet strong, reflecting India’s blend of ancient traditions and modern progress.

khoj logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

If this isn’t the next level of elegance, we’re not sure what is. This logo is both culturally rich and iconic, without using too many colors. We think it’s a well-represented logo, but is it truly appropriate for a search engine, particularly in the technology industry? 

5. Mexico 

Let’s see Mexico. ChatGPT created the name “Explora” as Mexico’s search engine if Google never existed. Let’s ask them what this name also means. This is what ChatGPT responds, “Explora” comes from the Spanish word for “explore,” embodying the spirit of discovery and cultural pride that defines Mexico. It suggests a journey through the rich and diverse landscapes of Mexican culture, history, and everyday life.”

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for Explora:


  • Cultural Immersion: Prioritizes content related to Mexican festivals, cuisine, and traditions, reflecting the country’s rich cultural heritage.
  • Local Business Emphasis: Boosts results from local vendors, artisans, and small businesses, supporting the local economy.
  • Tourism Focus: Highlights travel-related content, including guides, local attractions, and accommodation options.
  • User-Generated Content: Integrates reviews and opinions from Mexican users, providing a community-driven perspective.

Search Features:

  • Cultural Hub: A dedicated section for exploring Mexican traditions, recipes, and cultural events.
  • Voice Search: Tailored for Mexican Spanish and indigenous languages, ensuring accurate and relevant results.
  • Local Business Directory: Helps users find and support local businesses, with features like reviews, ratings, and location-based search.
  • Tourism Portal: Extensive travel resources, including guides, maps, and recommendations for exploring Mexico’s diverse regions.

Other cultural and local aspects are highlighted by this search engine. This is similarly made with, other countries we know are diverse. Now let’s check if ChatGPT can create an iconic image of Explora using descriptive phrases, and here’s what they say, “The “Explora” logo features a stylized quetzal bird, a symbol of freedom and cultural pride in Mesoamerican history. The color scheme includes vibrant greens, reds, and yellows, reflecting the lively and colorful culture of Mexico, with earthy tones representing the country’s deep connection to its roots. The font is bold and expressive, capturing the dynamic and diverse nature of Mexican society.

explora logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

The color pattern is similar to the first one from Brazil, but the main visual is a bird, and the colors are very vivid. We believe that with the right modification, this logo has the potential to become iconic. 

6. France

Now, what about France? ChatGPT created the name “Cherchez” as France’s search engine if Google didn’t exist.  Let’s ask them what this name also means,”Cherchez” is the French word for “search,” encapsulating the pursuit of knowledge, culture, and sophistication that defines France. The name reflects the French value of intellectual and artistic exploration.”

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for Cherchez:


  • Cultural and Intellectual Focus: Prioritizes content related to French art, literature, philosophy, and intellectual pursuits.
  • Privacy-Oriented: Implements strong data protection measures, with options for anonymous searching and minimal data retention.
  • Bilingual Support: Offers optimized search results in both French and English, with high accuracy in translations.
  • Gastronomy and Wine: Features dedicated sections for exploring French cuisine and wine regions, with detailed reviews and recommendations.

Search Features:

  • Cultural Curation: Highlights content from French cultural institutions, including museums, galleries, and academic resources.
  • Privacy Controls: Users can adjust privacy settings, ensuring secure and anonymous browsing options.
  • Bilingual Interface: Provides seamless switching between French and English, with high-quality translation features.
  • Gastronomy and Wine Sections: Extensive information on French culinary traditions, wine regions, and dining recommendations.

For France, ChatGPT added gastronomy and wine features, which emphasized the French culture in terms of the cuisine. Now, let’s test if ChatGPT can also make an iconic portrayal of Cherchez in descriptive words. Here’s what the robot says, “The “Cherchez” logo features an elegant silhouette of the Eiffel Tower intertwined with a magnifying glass, symbolizing the search for knowledge amidst France’s iconic landmarks. The color palette includes deep blue and gold, representing luxury, tradition, and the French flag. The font is classic and refined, mirroring the intellectual and cultural heritage of France.

cherchez logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

The logo, which features the Eiffel Tower as the country’s trademark, is fascinating, and the color palette is similar to Kohj from India but more simple. However, we’re not sure if the magnifying glass is clear enough because it appears dislocated. The description implies it should be intertwined, yet the AI-generated images are arranged randomly. 

7. Thailand

Lastly, we will uncover the search engine for Thailand. Will it be more culturally specific again? ChatGPT created the name “Sawasdee” as Thailand’s search engine if Google never existed. This is what ChatGPT responds, “Sawasdee” is the traditional Thai greeting, meaning “hello” or “goodbye.” The name embodies the warmth, hospitality, and deep cultural traditions of Thailand, making it a fitting choice for a search engine that reflects the country’s values.”

Now, let’s take a look at the search features and algorithm that ChatGPT has generated for Sawasdee:


  • Cultural Alignment: Prioritizes content that aligns with Thai culture, such as Buddhism, traditional festivals, and local customs.
  • Language Adaptability: Supports accurate Thai language search with advanced transliteration and translation features.
  • Local Events and Tourism: Emphasizes real-time updates on local events, festivals, and tourism information to enhance user engagement.
  • User Preferences: Utilizes AI to adapt to the preferences and search behaviors of Thai users, providing a customized experience.

Search Features:

  • Language Support: Provides robust Thai language support with precise translation and transliteration for better search accuracy.
  • Cultural Content: Highlights content related to Thai festivals, traditions, and cultural practices, ensuring relevance to local interests.
  • Local Business and Services: Focuses on local businesses, services, and entertainment options, with features like reviews, ratings, and location-based search.
  • Tourism Resources: Offers comprehensive information for tourists, including local guides, travel tips, and language assistance.
  • Event Updates: Provides real-time updates on local events, festivals, and important cultural gatherings, keeping users informed and engaged.

Still looking very similar to the others. Now, let’s test if ChatGPT can make an iconic representation of Sawasdee in descriptive words, and this is what the robot says, “The logo for “Sawasdee” features a stylized lotus flower, symbolizing purity, spirituality, and the connection to Thai culture. The color palette includes soft pinks, purples, and gold, evoking the serenity and beauty of Thai temples and traditions. The font is graceful and flowing, reminiscent of traditional Thai script, yet modern enough to appeal to contemporary users.

sawasdee logo
Source: Magic Media by Canva

This logo is culturally rich and attractive, but it does not appear overly complex while remaining simple. However, we are unsure whether it is appropriate for a technology company to use these kinds of logos. 

Our Thoughts About the AI-Generated Search Engines

ChatGPT’s AI-generated search engines provide a fascinating view into how personalized search engines can look across countries. However, after reviewing it, we discovered that the algorithms and search features across these engines are rather homogeneous and identical, with many reflecting comparable fundamental functions, although we asked them to develop them in different countries. This similarity suggests that we, as users, should modify the prompt to obtain a more distinctive and distinct feature, such as displaying the technical surroundings of each country.

Also, we would like to add that some of the generated ideas come across as stereotypical, which lacks the deeper philosophy that could make each search engine truly stand out. For example, some of these results don’t well capture the specific needs for these features or the unique technological aspects that differentiate one country from another.

For the logos, although it is visually appealing, ChatGPT often relies on well-known symbols or popular icons associated with each country, such as animals or national landmarks. This approach, while effective in creating an immediate connection, may not fully convey the technological aspects of search engines. And for the search engine names, many of them revolve around the concept of “search” translated into different languages. This uniformity in naming makes us think, that maybe we should create more specific and creative prompts to get better results. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, using AI to generate these concepts has proven effective, but there is room for improvement. By refining the prompts and focusing on deeper cultural insights and technological aspects, the results could become more diverse and tailored, offering a richer and more distinctive vision for each search engine! From these 7 countries’ search engine names and logos, which one do you like the most?