
Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly With These Easy Steps

mobile friendly

Whether you’re a developer, designer, or marketer, your website is an important part of your business. It’s not enough to just design something that looks good; you also need to make sure that it works in all the ways you’ll want it to. To help with this issue and make sure your site looks great on any device, we’ve compiled some tips for making your site future-proof.

How to tell if your theme is mobile-friendly

To check if your theme is mobile-friendly, you can use the Google tool. To do that, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/.

Step 2. Enter your website URL in the box provided and click “check”.

It will show you whether or not your site meets Google’s criteria for mobile usability as well as recommendations on how to fix any issues that might prevent it from being considered “mobile friendly”.

How to make your site mobile-friendly

  • Use a mobile-friendly theme. Switch to one that’s optimized for mobile devices and will display well on any screen size.
  • Check the source code. Look through your site’s source code to see if there are any issues with how it displays on phones and tablets, like adding extra white space or large images that are too high-resolution for smaller screens.
  • See what it looks like on a phone or tablet (in your hand). Test out your site in different browsers and on different phones/tablets until you find one where everything looks good enough for people to buy from you!

Further reading: Top 15 Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Website

Make sure your website is responsive so that it can easily adapt to whatever screen size someone is using when they visit it; this means not having separate pages for desktop computers, laptops, tablets, etc., but just one page which automatically resizes itself depending on what device someone is using at that time – this ensures easy navigation across multiple platforms without having two separate versions of each page in existence simultaneously!

This also means enabling any necessary features such as Javascript-enabled cookies being used by all visitors regardless of their browser type since these may interfere with each other if disabled completely due to security reasons when entering personal information onto forms etc., so don’t forget these either!

Optimize for search

One of the best ways to make sure your site is ready for the future is to optimize it for search. Search engines like Google and Bing use keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs (among other things) as ranking factors for their results pages. If you don’t have these elements optimized on your website then it’s going to be tough for you to get noticed by users searching online.

Let’s take a look at some easy ways that you can optimize for search going forward:

  • Use keywords in the title tags of each page on your site
  • Write unique meta descriptions for each page on your site
  • Ensure that all URLs are relevant and meaningful

Don’t neglect the design

Your website’s design is just as important as its functionality—and in some cases, it can even be more important to your user experience than the features you offer. This doesn’t mean you should obsess over aesthetics instead of getting work done (you still need to prioritize function), but it does mean that when you’re thinking about how your site functions and trying to find ways to make it better, don’t forget about the way your users perceive it visually.

You want their first impression of your site’s design to be positive; if they don’t like the look or feel of what they see when they arrive at your page, chances are good that they won’t stick around long enough for any other parts of their experience there (like those awesome new features) to impress them either. That’s why investing in WordPress design services is crucial for creating an engaging and visually appealing website!

It also pays off in other ways: A clean and attractive website helps differentiate you from competitors and increases trustworthiness among visitors—two factors that can increase conversions significantly!

Your website won’t get much traffic unless it’s mobile-friendly

A mobile-friendly website isn’t just a nice feature to have, it’s an essential part of your marketing strategy.

Mobile has become the new norm when it comes to browsing the web: 89% of online adults own a smartphone, and they use it to access the internet more often than their computers or tablets.

When Google introduced its algorithm update in April 2015 that penalized websites not optimized for mobile devices, many companies were caught off guard by this change—and they suffered as a result. No matter how great your site is if it’s not optimized for small screens, you will miss out on customers who don’t want to navigate through clunky interfaces or deal with slow load times when shopping from their phones or tablets.


This is a great way to make sure your website is future-proof. The key to making a site that’s ready for the future is to ensure that it’s mobile-friendly. Sites with mobile compatibility will continue to be relevant as more and more people access them from their phones and tablets. That’s where WordPress consulting services come in, helping you optimize your site for a seamless mobile experience!