
Step-by-Step: How to Migrate from Wix to WordPress

migrate from wix to wordpress

Thinking of migrating from Wix to WordPress but have no idea where to start? Well, you are not alone in this decision. More and more users are making this transition to be able to use WordPress’s flexibility, customization options, and strong features.

The tutorial will details the entire journey-from the evaluation of your existing Wix website to setting up a new WordPress platform. It will cover significant steps that involve how to export your content, import it seamlessly from Wix to WordPress, customize your design, and optimize for SEO. Lastly, strap yourself in as you are about to take your website to the next level!

Key Takeaways

  • Flexibility and Customization: WordPress offers greater flexibility with plugins, themes, and design options compared to Wix’s closed platform.
  • Migration Preparation: Conducting a thorough site audit of your Wix site helps you identify important content and avoid potential issues during the migration from Wix to WordPress.
  • Structured Content Export: Exporting your Wix content, including text, images, and media files, ensures a smooth transition and prevents data loss.
  • Seamless Importing to WordPress: Utilizing WordPress’s import tools helps maintain content structure, media, and SEO during migration.

Key Differences and Benefits of WordPress

When it comes to migrating from Wix to WordPress, you must realize the differences and, of course, the advantages of making such a shift with WordPress. Unlike Wix, which is a closed platform, WordPress has a powerful content management system that can be altered to a great degree using plugins and themes.

This flexibility ensures that your website can evolve and adapt as needs change. With enhanced SEO capabilities, greater control over your URL structure, and a wide array of design options, WordPress often makes itself an obvious choice for those considering website migration.

Preparing for the Migration from Wix to WordPress

Preparing website migration from Wix to WordPress requires a lot of planning and strategizing. You have to begin everything with a thorough site audit of your existing Wix website to consider what content you want to migrate.

This includes images, media files, and any widgets or customizations you have. Creating a checklist that would enumerate steps to domain transfer, backup procedures, and possible compatibility issues would considerably ease the burden of migrating to WordPress and minimize data loss.

Step 1: Assessing Your Wix Site

wix website
Source: wix.com

First, you need to evaluate your website before importing from Wix to WordPress to know what is important on the website before the migration. Start by evaluating your old website’s structure: How does one get around it? Page design and performance metrics will let you know what to keep and what needs improvement in the migration process. The results of such an analysis will help create a pretty good plan for the content migration.

Knowing such considerations not only smoothes the migration process but also lays a better foundation for the web presence. This analysis, though taking much time, will assure you of a far greater likelihood of creating an extremely engaging, far more appealing, functional website that greatly improves user satisfaction and boosts SEO performance.

Step 2: Setting Up a WordPress Site

wordpress site

The process of setting up a WordPress website starts with enlisting a good and reliable web hosting service that offers WordPress installation. After securing your hosting, the next step will be configuring your database and making sure an SSL certificate is in place for security.

Choosing an appropriate hosting provider is critical since it will heavily determine both your site’s performance and uptime. Once you have chosen one, you will be able to commence installation from inside the hosting dashboard; quite often, you will be asked to create a database, which is very important because it will store all the content and settings of your site.

Next, in order to keep user data secure and give more trust to your website, you will be required to buy an SSL certificate for connections over secure protocols between your server and your visitors. 

Further reading: 15 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best CMS (Updated in 2024)

Exporting Your Wix Content

Exporting content in your current Wix website is the most critical step in migration to facilitate transferring the most important data into your new WordPress platform. Here, the first thing you want to do is a backup of the Wix site, and get ready for the exporting of the data.

Step 3: Export Your Wix Site

To export your Wix site effectively, you should follow a structured set of steps that will facilitate a smooth transition of your website’s content and data.

1. Create a Full Backup of Your Site:

    • Backup all media files, text, and content on your Wix site.
    • This backup acts as protection against any potential data loss during the export process.

    2. Utilize Wix’s Built-In Export Tools:

      • Access Wix’s content export tools to retrieve essential data such as text, images, and files.
      • This will provide you with the necessary materials for your new platform setup.

      3. Access the Wix Export Feature:

        • Navigate to the settings menu and locate the Wix Export feature.
        • Choose specific content types (e.g., blog posts, images) to extract for a more organized export process.

        4. Review Your Exported Data:

          • Thoroughly review the exported files to ensure that all content is intact and nothing important is missing.
          • This final review helps to ensure a smooth and complete transition.

          Importing to WordPress

          Having exported your content from Wix, the next most reasonable thing you’d want to do is import it into your new WordPress site. This means using WordPress’ built-in import tools for seamless transfers of posts, pages, media files, and much more while ensuring that the SEO of your new site remains intact.

          Step 4: Importing Your Wix Content to WordPress

          Importing your Wix content into WordPress is a major step toward ensuring your site works great and that all relevant data will go across successfully. The general steps in this case would include:

          1. Access the WordPress Import Tool:

          • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
          • Navigate to Tools > Import.
          • Select WordPress from the list of import options. If you haven’t already installed the WordPress Importer plugin, you will be prompted to do so.

          2. Upload Your Exported Wix Files:

          • In the WordPress Import Tool, upload the files you exported from Wix, which may include content, media files, and text.
          • Ensure that the files are in the correct format for WordPress import (usually XML files for content).

          3. Ensure Proper Formatting:

          • Check that the files you are importing are properly formatted.
          • Proper formatting will ensure the smooth import of all content and media, preserving your site’s SEO structure and integrity.

          4. Review for Errors:

          • After uploading, carefully review any error messages.
          • Common issues may include missing images or broken links. Address these before moving forward to avoid problems later on.

          5. Test the Site:

          • Once the import is complete, navigate through your site to check that all content, media, and links are functioning as expected.
          • Fix any remaining issues such as formatting problems, missing images, or SEO discrepancies. 

          Customizing Your WordPress Site

          After importing all content from Wix to WordPress, having a personalized WordPress site means you need to adjust the aesthetics and functions that best meet the vision of your brand and the needs of your users. One approach is to create your website by choosing a relevant theme, and then you can extend your website with plugins intended for enhancing usability, site speed, and SEO performance.

          It is also important to make a responsive design that ensures an outstanding user experience through all types of devices. This ensures that your content is easily accessible to your audience.

          Step 5: Designing Your New Site

          wordpress theme
          Source: wordpress.org

          It has been a dream to bring your vision into tangible existence through every considered customization and layout choice for a new WordPress website. Make a theme selection that fits just right with your brand, increases the bar in mobile responsiveness, and ensures seamless experiences for all types of visitors using different devices.

          Pay extra attention to the user interface by adding intuitive navigation and eye-catching visuals that can create engagement.

          Also, considering the loading speed is important, as a fast website decreases bounce rates and will keep the visitor intrigued. Prioritizing essential content above the fold and using responsive images will ensure things are clear from small to huge screens. Using a clear call-to-action has a remarkable ability to lead users in their next steps.

          Final Steps and Tips

          As you approach the last touches in migrating your website from Wix to WordPress, it is time to set up redirects and optimize your site for performance and SEO.

          Step 6: Redirecting Your Wix Site to WordPress

          redirect 301

          Redirecting your Wix site to WordPress is an important step to ensure that your audience can easily find your new site without any interruptions.

          1. Prepare for the Redirect:

          • Before you can implement the 301 redirects, you need access to both your Wix account and WordPress dashboard.
          • Map out all your old Wix URLs and create a corresponding list of the new URLs on your WordPress site. This ensures that each old URL has a matching page on your new site.

          2. Set Up 301 Redirects in WordPress:

          • To create 301 redirects in WordPress, you can either edit your .htaccess file (for Apache servers) or use a plugin such as Redirection or 301 Redirects if you prefer not to work with code.

          3. Using the .htaccess File (Apache servers):

          • Navigate to your WordPress root directory and open the .htaccess file.
          • Add a redirect line for each page. For example:
            Redirect 301 /old-page-url https://yournewsite.com/new-page-url
          • Example with actual URLs:
            Redirect 301 /about-us https://yournewsite.com/about
            Redirect 301 /contact https://yournewsite.com/contact-us

          4. Use a WordPress Plugin (No Code):

          • Install a plugin like Redirection:
            • Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
            • Search for “Redirection” and install it.
            • Once installed, go to Tools > Redirection.
            • Add each old URL and the new corresponding WordPress URL in the plugin.

          5. Inform Search Engines:

          • By setting up a 301 redirect, you’re telling search engines that the content has permanently moved, preserving your existing SEO rankings.
          • It also helps users who have bookmarked your old Wix URLs to seamlessly transition to the new WordPress site without disruptions.

          6. Monitor for Errors:

          • After implementing the redirects, monitor for any potential issues, such as broken links or misconfigured redirects.
          • Use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to ensure all redirects are functioning properly and no pages are missed.

          Further reading: A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress Development

            Step 7: Optimizing Your WordPress Site for SEO

            optimizing SEO for website

            Among the important issues that you must ensure to optimize and tune for is SEO, which will bring much more visibility and traffic to the WordPress site.

            The art of SEO remains one of the most essential points in today’s digital space. This includes not just using SEO-based plugins for maintaining metadata and optimizing keywords, enhancing performance, but also a holistic approach to content creation. Focusing on creating high-quality, engaging content that speaks to the target audience.

            Moreover, constant analysis of performance metrics, combined with analytics tools, will yield fantastic insight into developing strategies and enhancing the functionality of the site over time.


            Migrating from Wix to WordPress is a transformative step that offers more control over customization, SEO, and future scalability. If you want to make sure your new WordPress site runs seamlessly and smoothly after the migration, consider Polar Mass’ WordPress Maintenance Services. From security updates to performance optimization, Polar Mass can help maintain your site’s success long after the switch. Contact us today to keep your WordPress site running at peak performance!

            Frequently Asked Questions

            What is the process for migrating from Wix to WordPress?

            Migrating from Wix to WordPress involves several steps, including exporting your Wix website, setting up a WordPress site, importing your content, and making any necessary design and functionality adjustments.

            Is it difficult to migrate from Wix to WordPress?

            The difficulty of the migration process depends on your familiarity with WordPress and Wix. If you are comfortable with both platforms, the process should be relatively straightforward. However, if you are new to WordPress or have a complex Wix site, it may be challenging and time-consuming.

            Can I migrate my entire Wix website to WordPress?

            Yes, you can migrate all of your content, including pages, blog posts, images, and other media, from Wix to WordPress. However, you may need to manually recreate some design elements or functionality, as they may not be compatible between the two platforms.

            Do I need any technical knowledge to migrate from Wix to WordPress?

            Some technical knowledge may be helpful, but it is not necessary. There are several resources available online that provide step-by-step guides for migrating from Wix to WordPress. You can also hire a professional developer or use a migration service to handle the process for you.

            Will my SEO be affected by migrating from Wix to WordPress?

            Your SEO may be affected temporarily as you make the switch to WordPress, but if done correctly, your SEO should improve in the long run. WordPress is known for its SEO-friendly features and plugins, which can help boost your website's rankings.