
9 Annoying WordPress Issues and How To Fix Them

WordPress is a powerful content management system that boasts over 80 million users and is used to power over 30% of the internet. You’d think, then, that it would be pretty easy to use and maintain. Unfortunately, despite its popularity and wide adoption rate among web designers and developers, WordPress can still have some frustrating issues. And while these issues aren’t always easy to diagnose or fix, they’re often preventable with just a little bit of work on your end. In this article, I’ll explain some common WordPress problems—like white screen of death errors or not being able to send emails from your site—and how you can troubleshoot them so they don’t happen again!

WordPress Not Sending Emails

If you’re not receiving emails from WordPress, you might want to check the following:

  • Verify that your email address is correct. Did you enter it correctly? Did you use a different name than the one associated with your hosting account?
  • Check to see if the email address exists in WordPress. This may seem obvious, but sometimes people make mistakes when putting in information and don’t realize it until they go looking for it elsewhere.
  • Make sure that SMTP settings are correct in both WordPress and whatever email client (Gmail/Outlook/etc) is being used by the user sending out emails from their site. If they aren’t correct, then this could cause problems with sending emails as well as receiving them on both ends of things!

403 Forbidden Error

If you have set up a .htaccess file, the 403 error is a very common one. To fix it, check if your .htaccess file is not redirecting to any other page or directory. If it is redirecting to another page or directory, then remove that line from your .htaccess file and try again.

  • Check wp-config.php

If you are using WordPress on your server and facing this issue, then there could be some problems with your configuration settings of WordPress in wp-config.php file which can cause this problem while accessing through admin panel on web browser or any other method like FTP client etc., You can check if everything is OK by opening wp-config.php file in text editor like Notepad++ and see whether there are no errors related with database connection credentials (username/ password) or other details given inside configuring step while installing wordpress theme on server.

Further reading: WordPress Website Maintenance: Keeping Your Site Smooth

404 Not Found Errors

ERROR 404: Not Found

404 errors occur when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist. This can happen for several reasons, but most often it’s because of broken links on your site. When you create new pages in WordPress, it automatically creates the following source code for each new post:


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Connection Timed Out

The connection timed-out error message is displayed when a connection is not established between the web browser and the server that is hosting the site. When you see this error, it usually means that there has been an issue with your website’s hosting provider or its network. This can be due to poor connectivity or a problem on their end.

If you are sure that your website works correctly but still receive this error message often, try contacting your web host for assistance in troubleshooting.

Internal Server Error 500

This error usually means that there is a problem with your server or a plugin that needs to be fixed. Before you dive into the server configuration, try to find out if the issue is happening on your local machine only or in production mode as well. If it happens locally, then it can be solved easily by setting up your environment correctly. If it happens on a live website, addressing website security concerns and hiring a professional could be an option for you.

A good place to start would be asking for help from friends or family members who are web developers because they will know more about this than average users like us do! But if that doesn’t work out, don’t worry — there are plenty of other places where you can go looking for solutions: Stack Exchange sites like Server Fault or Digital Ocean have active communities that are happy to help answer any questions (and again…please don’t ask me).

Images Don’t Upload or Have Incorrect Permissions

If you’re having trouble uploading images, it could be that the images are not in the right format. Make sure they are in JPEG or PNG format. If they are not, then you may need to convert them using an image converter like [Adobe Photoshop](https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-family).

If your site is running on WordPress, you will want to check that the image uploads folder permissions allow files and folders within it to be writeable by anyone who can access the server via FTP. This means all files in this directory should have their permissions set to 644 (-rw-r–r–).

File and Folder Permissions Errors

File permissions errors can be a tricky issue for WordPress users, but there are ways to fix them. The problem is that the default directory structure of a WordPress site doesn’t always allow you to perform certain tasks without setting up folder permissions correctly.

For example, if you want to add an image gallery to your blog, it may not show up properly in the backend because its folder permission settings weren’t set correctly by your web hosting company or during installation.

Syntax Errors in WordPress Posts and Pages

If you have ever tried to write a post on WordPress, you may have run into what is known as a white screen of death (WSOD), which is essentially the same as a 404 error. This can happen when there are syntax errors in your HTML code or in your PHP code. A syntax error is an error that occurs when computer programs cannot parse the code input by humans.

A WSOD usually occurs when there are no syntax errors and something else goes wrong—most often, it’s because there’s something wrong with the database connection between WordPress and MySQL/MariaDB. To fix this issue, try disabling all plugins and switching off other services that might use PHP such as Cloudflare or Sucuri Firewall; then clear all caches for both WordPress and for the browser being used (Chrome is typically used).

Further reading: How to Clean a Hacked WordPress Website: Step-by-Step Guide

Fixing common WordPress issues is easier than you think!

Don’t be afraid to fix the issue yourself by doing WordPress Maintenance, or ask for help. You may even find that there’s a plugin for it.

Even if your hosting provider does not offer a way to access the wp-config file, or if they offer an outdated version of PHP (which comes with its own set of issues), there are other ways to solve these problems on your own:

  • Upgrade your WordPress version. If you’re using an older version of WordPress (such as 2.7), then upgrading will solve most compatibility issues with plugins and themes because more developers are currently writing new code that works with newer versions of WordPress. This is also true when upgrading from an older server platform such as Apache 2.* to Nginx or IIS 7/8+.
  • Use a caching plugin like Fast Cache and W3 Total Cache; both will speed up your site while keeping visitors happy by reducing lag times and loading times across different devices including mobile phones, tablets and desktops without having too much impact on server resources themselves!


WordPress is an amazing platform, but it has its limitations. What we’ve covered in this article are the most common WordPress issues and how to fix them. There are many more issues out there that we didn’t cover, consider reaching out to our WordPress consulting services to know more issues!