
We Asked AI: What Would These Historical Figures Do with SEO Today?

we asked ai historical figures

In the modern era where everything seems related to the world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains a crucial component for online success. But what if we could tap into the minds of history’s greatest thinkers to solve modern-day SEO challenges? Can you imagine what brilliants like Albert Einstein, or creative ones like Leonardo da Vinci would say to optimize their SEO? How would their groundbreaking theories and unique perspectives shape the way we approach SEO today?

In this article, we got the idea to ask AI, in this case ChatGPT, the famous AI bot that can algorithmically process and generate text responses based on prompts we typed in to “change” their identity as specific historical figures. Then, we would ask them questions related to SEO, from the definition to the advice, and some fun things regarding SEO. 

Come join us as we asked AI and into the creative, strategic, and analytical minds of these historical figures with modern technology. Let’s see what these people of intellect would do to master the art and science of SEO in today’s landscape!

We Asked AI: How Famous Historical Figures Would Think About SEO

To truly understand and get the most realistic and accurate results on how these legendary minds might tackle the complexities of SEO today, we decided to take a specific way. First, we created a specific prompt to transform the ChatGPT into the persona of each historical figure, so they can generate answers and strategies as if the legends would do. Here are the specific prompts that we have made: 

“Imagine you are [specific historical figure]. You are now living in the 21st century and working as an SEO strategist. Please answer the following questions using your unique theories, principles, intellectual approach, and beliefs.”

After creating the specific prompt, we list all the questions and start asking ChatGPT right away. Here are the results according to each historical figure:

1. Albert Einstein

albert einstein
Source: history.com

First, we will ask Albert Einstein. After entering the first prompt, we directly ask them this question “How would you define SEO in your own words?” this is what the AI says, 

“Ah, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can be elegantly described through a lens of understanding and order. In my view, SEO is the art and science of enhancing a website’s visibility and relevance in search engine results, akin to discovering the fundamental principles that govern the physical world.

SEO is the systematic process of aligning a website’s content, structure, and performance with the preferences and algorithms of search engines, ensuring that it appears prominently in search results when users seek information relevant to that website….”

ChatGPT actually generates more than the above definition which is quite long, thus we further enhance the prompt to make it concise and straight to the point.

chatgpt as albert einstein

But for this time, we decided to move on to the second question which is “ If you had to improve one aspect of SEO, what would it be and why?”, “Albert Einstein” says,

“I would improve understanding user intent. Accurately predicting what users seek ensures content meets their needs, enhancing relevance and effectiveness in search results. This focus would reduce misalignment and improve engagement, much like refining a scientific model for better accuracy.”

It’s interesting to know that. But, we’re curious about the invention. Yes, historical figures are mostly known for their invention, that’s why we want to know this, “If you could invent one tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, what would it be?” The response is,

“I would invent a Predictive Intent Analysis Tool. This tool would use advanced AI to analyze historical search patterns, user behavior, and emerging trends to forecast future user intent with high precision. By anticipating what users will search for next, it would enable websites to proactively create content and optimize strategies, staying ahead of trends and improving relevance in search results.”

Is that unique enough? To be honest, we haven’t felt satisfied yet. We predict that someone like Albert Einstein will invent something more unique, mind-blowing, and out of the box, but we’ll keep trying. Let’s ask something more specific and wild this time, “If SEO were a mathematical equation, what would it look like?” And here is what he says, 



  • C = Content Quality: The relevance, originality, and value of the content.
  • S = Site Structure: The organization, usability, and technical aspects of the website.
  • U = User Experience: Factors like loading speed, mobile-friendliness, and ease of navigation.
  • A = Authority: The credibility and trustworthiness, reflected by backlinks and domain authority.”

Well, he managed to compile all the essential elements like content, site structure, and user experience. Now, let’s move on to the crucial part which is asking them for advice to achieve SEO success. We asked, “What is the most important aspect for SEO success?” 

According to ChatGPT, Albert would say, 

“The most important aspect for SEO success is relevance. Just as in physics, where the accuracy of a model depends on how well it reflects the underlying reality, SEO success hinges on how well a website’s content, structure, and authority align with what users are searching for. Ensuring that content is relevant to user queries, intents, and needs is fundamental for achieving high rankings and driving meaningful engagement.”

Take note of the tips, everyone!

2. Isaac Newton

isaac newton
Source: space.com

Let’s move on to the second historical figure, which is Isaac Newton. Another scientist, the one that invented calculus. We applied a similar prompt and asked the same question to see the difference in response. For the question, “How would you define SEO in your own words?” Then, the AI says, 

“Ah, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is akin to the laws of motion and gravity that govern the physical world. It is the systematic practice of enhancing a website’s visibility in the grand mechanism of the digital universe. Just as the celestial bodies adhere to predictable orbits governed by gravitational forces, so too do search engines employ algorithms that dictate the prominence of a website’s presence.”

It’s quite predictable, once again where the AI incorporates gravity to SEO. Let’s move to the next question which is “If you had to improve one aspect of SEO, what would it be and why?”, and Isaac says, 

“If I were to enhance a single aspect of SEO, I would focus on improving the algorithm’s ability to understand and interpret user intent with greater precision. Much like how the principles of calculus provided new insights into the behavior of physical systems, a more refined understanding of user intent would revolutionize the way search engines connect users with relevant content.” 

chatgpt as isaac newton

For the next question, we asked about the tool again, we wondered what Isaac Newton would invent, “If you could invent one tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, what would it be?”

“If I were to invent a tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, I would devise a “Quantum Query Analyzer”—a tool that harnesses principles of quantum mechanics to analyze and predict search engine behavior with unprecedented accuracy.

Imagine this tool as a sophisticated mechanism that can simultaneously evaluate multiple potential outcomes of search queries, akin to how particles can exist in multiple states until observed. This tool would employ advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to process vast amounts of data from user interactions, search trends, and algorithm updates in real-time. It would leverage quantum computing’s power to handle this complexity, offering insights into not just current search engine behaviors but also predicting future trends and shifts in user intent.”

Once again, we wanted to know the answer for this question, “If SEO were a mathematical equation, what would it look like?” And here is what he says, 

“If SEO were to be expressed as a mathematical equation, it might resemble something like this:



  • C represents Content Quality: The relevance, depth, and originality of the content on the website.
  • K stands for Keywords: The strategic use of keywords and phrases that match user search queries.
  • U denotes User Experience: Factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and ease of navigation.
  • E is Engagement Metrics: User interactions such as click-through rates, time on page, and bounce rates.
  • B represents Backlinks: The quantity and quality of external sites linking to the website.”

It’s totally a different formula from the previous one, yet the elements are quite the same. Now, let’s move on to the important part once again, “What is the most important aspect for SEO success?” 

According to ChatGPT, Isaac would say, 

“In the grand equation of SEO success, the most crucial aspect is relevant and high-quality content. This foundational element serves as the primary driver for engaging users and satisfying their search intent.

Just as a well-crafted scientific theory or mathematical proof must be robust and accurate to achieve validation and acceptance, content must be valuable, informative, and tailored to meet the needs and interests of your audience. It is the core element that attracts visitors, encourages them to spend time on your site, and prompts them to return or take desired actions.”

3. William Shakespeare

william shakespeare
Source: biography.com

Let’s move on to the next historical figure, which is William Shakespeare. This time, is not a scientist, but a famous person known for his poems and literature. Let’s see how the answer varies from the previous two. We applied a similar prompt and asked, “How would you define SEO in your own words?” Then, the ChatGPT says, 

“SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the art of crafting a digital tapestry that enchants both the algorithmic deities and human seekers. It is the careful weaving of words and structure to ensure thy content is not only found but cherished in the vast realm of the internet.”

chatgpt  as william shakespeare

As predicted, the ChatGPT uses literature terms and poetic descriptions as William Shakespeare is a famous English poet. The next question would be, “If you had to improve one aspect of SEO, what would it be and why?”, he says, 

“Were I to refine one facet of SEO, ‘twould be the quest for genuine relevance. Too oft do we see the chase of fleeting trends or the clamor for mere rankings, rather than a deep and true connection with the audience’s desires. By fostering content that speaks authentically to the  needs and interests of the reader, we would achieve not only higher standings but a more meaningful engagement, creating a richer, more fulfilling digital experience for all.” 

Shakespeare once again uses poetic terms and words to answer this question. For the next question, we asked about the tool again, we wondered what William Shakespeare would invent, “If you could invent one tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, what would it be?”

“Should I have the power to devise a tool to revolutionize SEO, I would craft an “Intuitive Content Resonator.” This magical device would harness the very essence of human emotion and intent, delving beyond mere keywords to understand and reflect the true sentiments and aspirations of the audience. It would use this profound insight to guide content creation, ensuring each piece not only aligns with search algorithms but also resonates deeply with the heart of the reader. Thus, we would craft content that is both algorithmically pleasing and richly human.”

So far, compared to the previous two, Shakespeare’s answers are the most distinct due to the persona that he has. The answers mostly sound magical and dramatic. Therefore, for the next question, we decided to give it a little twist, and asked Shakespeare to imagine, “If SEO were a poem, what would it look like?” And here is that he says, 

In the Realm of Digital Light

In the realm of digital light, where shadows play, A quest for rank and relevance doth sway. Keywords dance in patterns, bold and bright, While links entwine in web’s vast, endless night.

Content blooms like flowers in the spring, Crafted with care, to search engines they sing. Titles and meta tags, like sonnets, well-versed, Guide seekers through the chaos, for the best to be dispersed.

Yet, beyond the algorithms’ cold embrace, Lies the heart of humans, seeking a grace. For in the art of SEO, let’s not forget, To touch the soul with words that truly beget.

So let our content shine with truth’s pure light, And in the digital realm, our stars will take flight.”

We think the poem is well-made and it’s interesting how SEO can be made into a beautiful art creation. Now, let’s move on to the important part, “What is the most important aspect for SEO success?” 

According to ChatGPT, Shakespeare would say, 

“The most vital aspect for SEO success is the creation of content that genuinely satisfies the intent and needs of the user. Much like a play captivates its audience, content must engage, inform, and resonate deeply with the reader. This harmonious blend of relevance, quality, and user experience ensures that both search engines and seekers find it worthy, leading to enduring success in the ever-evolving digital stage.”

4. Leonardo da Vinci

leonardo da vinci
Source. britannica.com

Next, we will ask Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous scientist and painter. We applied a similar prompt and asked the same question, “How would you define SEO in your own words?” Then, the AI says, 

“A good definition of SEO should be precise, encompassing its purpose and methods. It must highlight the interplay between website visibility, user intent, and search engine algorithms. Here’s a succinct definition:

SEO is the art and science of enhancing a website’s visibility and relevance in search engine results by optimizing content, structure, and technical elements to align with user queries and search engine criteria.

Now, the answer is back to “what it’s supposed to be”, or we can say, general. We asked the next question which is “If you had to improve one aspect of SEO, what would it be and why?”, and he said, 

“If I were to improve one aspect of SEO, it would be the integration of artificial intelligence in understanding and predicting user intent.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, accurately predicting and addressing user intent is crucial for relevance and engagement. While current algorithms do a commendable job, enhancing AI’s role in understanding context, nuance, and behavioral patterns can lead to more personalized and effective search results. This would elevate the user experience by delivering content that aligns more closely with individual needs and preferences, thereby improving satisfaction and engagement.” 

For the next question, we asked about the tool again, we wondered what he would invent, “If you could invent one tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, what would it be?”

Leonardo says, 

“I would invent the “Synaptic Insight Engine”: an AI-driven tool that decodes user intent with deep neural understanding, dynamically adapts content recommendations, and forecasts future search trends. It merges human-like contextual insight with algorithmic precision to revolutionize SEO.”

chatgpt as leonardo da vinci

The response was okay. But for the fun part, we wanted to ask about a painting, “If SEO were a painting, what would it look like?” And here is what he says, 

“If SEO were a painting, it would be a detailed, dynamic masterpiece reminiscent of The Last Supper:

  • Foreground: A bustling digital marketplace filled with diverse characters representing various search queries and user intents, each interacting with vibrant, keyword-rich elements.
  • Middle Ground: Intricate layers of content and backlinks interwoven like complex textures, reflecting the depth and complexity of SEO strategies.
  • Background: A harmonious blend of search engine algorithms and evolving trends, depicted as a flowing landscape of ever-changing patterns and connections, guiding the viewer’s eye through the scene.
  • Overall Composition: Balanced and meticulously arranged, illustrating the interplay between creativity, data, and strategy, with each element contributing to the overall effectiveness of the digital presence.”

Now, let’s ask him for advice to achieve SEO success According to ChatGPT, he would say, 

“Ah, the essence of SEO success lies in understanding and fulfilling the true intent of the user. Crafting content that resonates deeply with their needs and interests is paramount, much like creating a masterpiece that captures the essence of its subject.” 

Further reading: We Asked AI: What Would Replace “Google” in These Countries If It Never Existed?

5. Aristotle

Source: history.com

Last but not least, we will ask Aristotle. For the question, “How would you define SEO in your own words?”, Aristotle would answer:

“SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can be understood through the lens of Aristotle’s principles of purpose and excellence.

SEO is the art and science of refining and enhancing a digital presence to align harmoniously with the needs and expectations of both users and search engines. It is akin to the pursuit of excellence in any endeavor; just as one seeks to perfect a craft or a virtue, SEO seeks to perfect the way a website is perceived by search engines, ensuring it is both accessible and relevant.”

The definition was made with a combination of analogy and informative tone, which sounds similar to other responses as well. What about the next question? We’ll see.

chatgpt as aristotle

“If you had to improve one aspect of SEO, what would it be and why?”, and he says, 

“If I were to improve one aspect of SEO, I would focus on the alignment between user intent and content relevance.

From an Aristotelian perspective, the essence of any endeavor lies in its purpose and fulfillment of its intended goal. In SEO, this means ensuring that content not only ranks well but truly satisfies the needs and expectations of users.

Current SEO practices often emphasize keyword optimization and technical factors, which, while important, can sometimes overshadow the deeper purpose of content—serving the user’s true intent. By enhancing the precision with which content addresses user queries, desires, and problems, we can elevate the value of the content and its relevance.” 

The following question was, “If you could invent one tool or strategy to revolutionize SEO, what would it be?”

“I would invent the “Virtue Engine,” an advanced SEO tool focused on understanding and predicting user intent with greater precision.

Key Features:

  1. Contextual Relevance Analyzer: Understands the context behind user queries to provide more accurate content recommendations.
  2. Engagement Predictor: Forecasts how different content types will engage users, offering insights for tailoring content effectively.
  3. Ethical Alignment Checker: Ensures SEO practices adhere to ethical standards and positively impact user experience.
  4. Dynamic Content Optimizer: Refines content in real-time based on user interactions and feedback for continuous improvement.”

The idea is, we can say, similar to the other responses, just with a slight difference in names and features. We have done poems, paintings, and mathematical equations, what if we ask about philosophy now, “If SEO were a philosophy, what would it look like?” And here is what he says, 

“If SEO were a philosophy, it would be:


  1. Flourishing: Aim to make digital content valuable and effective for users.
  2. Relevance: Align content with user intent and context for true utility.
  3. Practical Wisdom: Use data and insights for informed, balanced decisions.
  4. Ethics: Ensure honest, positive practices in SEO strategies.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Refine and adapt content based on evolving needs and algorithms.”

Lastly, let’s ask him for advice to achieve SEO success. According to ChatGPT, Aristotle would say, 

“For SEO success, Aristotle would emphasize the virtue of relevance as the most important aspect.

Relevance ensures that content aligns closely with the true intent and needs of users. This involves:

  1. Understanding User Intent: Analyzing what users genuinely seek and tailoring content to meet those needs effectively.
  2. Providing Value: Creating content that is meaningful and useful, thus fulfilling its purpose and contributing to the user’s well-being.
  3. Balancing Technical and Human Factors: Harmonizing technical SEO aspects with high-quality, engaging content to ensure both search engine and user satisfaction.” 

Our Thoughts and Recommendation About the Response

It’s time to review the entire chat that has been done. It’s totally obvious that some answers, while accurate, tend to be repetitive and lack a distinct persona. For example, the answers about tools invention, mostly revolve around user intent, predicting trends, and so on, which we found as too generic and formulaic. Also, ChatGPT uses repetitive words, such as the frequent use of terms like “akin” and “art and science,” which sounds very monotonous. 

However, we also found some answers that are quite interesting and embraced the persona of the character, like Shakespeare’s poem about SEO. We think the answers have effectively conveyed a unique voice and creativity, making them memorable.

Therefore, to improve the quality and authenticity of responses, we think it’s crucial to adjust the prompts to better capture the distinct persona of each character. While AI can generate content based on famous figures, it often struggles to fully embody their unique voices and styles. By refining the prompts and focusing on more personalized and varied language, the responses can be enhanced to reflect the true essence of each character more effectively. 


This experiment shows that while AI might be able to give SEO questions their answers, ones which are correct and accurate, it still lacks the personal touch, and, in most prompts given as to the answering capacity. The uniqueness here is that we may view SEO interpretation and approach by these historical figures if they live in the same era as today.